
November 6, 2019

Steak Tartare


While on holiday in Prague, I went on a food tour. The only rule our host Hana had for us was that we had to try everything. We didn’t need to finish it, but we had to at least taste it …we all agreed.

Naše maso butchery

One of the places we visited was called Naše maso which is known for its high-quality beef and pork. The two dishes presented to us to eat were steak tartare and meat loaf. Now I don’t know about you, but I cannot think of two dishes that scream ‘dog food’ more than meatloaf and steak tartare.

I always think of the Mr Bean episode when he ordered steak tartare at a fancy restaurant being completely unaware that it was raw meat. He then spent the rest of the time trying to hide the meat in different places, including the hollowed-out bread roll and another diner’s handbag. You can check out the episode above.

But sticking to our agreed rule we all gave it a go. Much to my surprise, it was the best meatloaf I’ve ever had and the steak tartare was brilliant.

In two bites I had completely changed my view about something …views that I had held all my life. Two nights later we went out for dinner and ordered steak tartare again. We were converts!

What are your steak tartare moments?

Everyone has strong points of view about things that determine what we do and do not do. But perhaps this is holding us back from trying something new. It could be something as simple as delivering a presentation without PowerPoint or putting your hand up for a role that will be a stretch.

We all have our steak tartare moments. What are yours?