
September 17, 2019

World Gratitude Day – A Gift for You


This coming Saturday 21st September is World Gratitude Day. To recognise the day, I thought I would give you a free gift.

But firstly, I want to take the opportunity to show some gratitude towards my Dad. We learn a lot from our parents, well I certainly have, and today is his 87th birthday. To commemorate his special day, I want to share three things that he has taught me that I am extremely grateful for.


The first lesson is generosity. Dad spent a lot of time teaching his children how to do things. When I purchased my first car, a HD Holden, he taught me how to change the tyres, check the oil and water as well as do basic car maintenance. Over the years, he has also taught me how to paint, mow lawns, use a soldering iron, saw, sander or rivet gun… and the list goes on. Now that I look back, I want to thank him for his guidance. At the time, I assumed this was common practice.

Persistence & Resilience

Dad also showed me persistence and resilience. At age 46 he had a massive heart attack and Mum was told he would not live through the night. This is not something any wife wants to hear, especially when you have 8 children to support. Yet, in true Dad fashion, he survived. He is still going at 87, even though he’s had a couple more heart attacks along the way, had a pacemaker inserted and was told he would never live to 70. We occasionally call him Lazarus, because he has faced death so many times yet keeps coming back.

Positive Attitude

Even in the face of all of his health problems, Dad has maintained a positive attitude and outlook on life. It is this value that I am the most grateful for. Regardless of what is happening, he always shows positivity and light heartedness. This was highlighted on one of his regular hospital visits when he had all his toes removed from one foot. He pointed out that at least it wouldn’t take as long to cut his toenails.

A Gift for You

So, in honour of Dad, I want to present you with a gift. It is an eBook I have written to help you be a better presenter. It’s called, Bullet Points Kill and Other Deadly Presentation Techniques.

I had a lot of fun writing this book because it has a light-hearted twist to it. I wonder if you can guess what that is before you get to the end?

You can download the book as a PDF or eBook via mobi or epub files.

What’s more, in honour of my Dad and World Gratitude Day, please feel free to pass it on to whoever you think may be grateful to receive it.

Finally, I encourage you to think about how and who you can show gratitude to this week.



This gift is no longer available as a free download. You can, however, purchase the ebook for the bargain price of $4.39 AUD via the following link.