
November 26, 2024

Breakfast in Your Pyjamas


When I was 16, I went on a school excursion to Sydney and stayed at a hotel with breakfast included.

On the first morning, about ten of us were all trying to determine if we needed to get dressed to go down to breakfast or if we could go in our pyjamas. We had never stayed in a hotel like this before, so we were in uncharted waters.

After some discussion, we decided that we don’t get dressed for breakfast at home, so why would we in this situation.

We walked down the stairs and sat at a table and then noticed that everyone else was dressed. This should have been a sign to go back to our rooms and get dressed. But no, we didn’t. I am so grateful I grew up in a time before camera phones and social media!

The Walk of Shame

Shortly afterwards came an announcement over the speaker saying that you needed to be dressed to be served breakfast. So, we all did the walk of shame back up the stairs to get dressed.

Reflecting on that, I often wonder why we were so confident in our decision when we had never been in that situation before. I believe it is the overconfidence of youth.

I’m also perplexed as to why we didn’t:

  1. Ask a teacher who presumably would have had experience in this situation.
  2. Send one person down to check out the situation.

I shared this story on last week’s episode on the Keeping it Real podcast. The discussion focusses on entering the workforce and Jac and I discuss the Five C’s to entering (and re-entering) the workforce.

The Five C’s

Not surprisingly, one of those C’s is CLARIFY, hence why I shared this story. We were so confident, we did not even seek to clarify.

Have a listen to the podcast where we explore this further but, in a nutshell, the 5 C’s are:


If you have a young adult in your life entering the workforce for the first time, or know someone re-entering the workforce, then please share this episode with them. In addition, this week’s episode on Mastering LinkedIn may also be useful. The more people we can help, the better.

You can listen or watch the podcast via Spotify, Apple Podcast, YouTube or wherever you access your podcasts.