
October 31, 2018

Ep08: Authentic Leadership Podcast – Jo Mithen

Blog / Podcasts

CEO Monash College

In this episode of my Authentic Leadership Podcast, I had the opportunity to sit down with Jo Mithen, CEO of Monash College.

About Jo Mithen

Jo joined Monash College in 2008 as Chief Executive Officer. Having worked at senior levels with universities for more than 15 years, her expertise lies in her ability to recognise market trends and affect change.

As a Monash University alumna, Jo is a proud advocate of the power of an excellent education and the opportunities it provides. She is passionate about people and has focused her career on transforming business and culture. As a leader, she values accountability, fosters innovation and inspires excellence.

In our discussion, Jo reveals what Authentic Leadership means to her. She also talks about the inspiration she derived from a leadership conversation with Paul Keating. What’s more, Jo shares how she draws inspiration from a symbol not a quote. You might also be surprised to learn about her two favourite artists from the ‘80s.

Join Jo and myself in this latest episode of the Authentic Leadership Podcast.

Authentic Leadership Podcast Series

To listen to my podcasts, subscribe to my series on iTunes or access them via Soundcloud. I would also love to hear your suggestions for CEOs that live and breathe Authentic Leadership. Contact us if you have someone in mind that we can invite to be part of the Authentic Leadership Podcast.