
August 24, 2021

Ep31: Authentic Leadership Podcast – Martin Halphen

Blog / Podcasts

Last week I had the pleasure of speaking to Martin Halphen who is the CEO of The Fruit Box Group. He shares with me how he went from being a lawyer to running a fruit distribution company and then starting a charity The One Box.

About Martin

After starting his career in commercial law, Martin Halphen made the leap to small business owner and ‘accidental entrepreneur’, buying a suburban fruit delivery business advertised in the local paper. The Fruit Box business had 1.5 staff and serviced 280 homes in Melbourne’s south-eastern suburbs. When a customer asked whether they would deliver to her office, it sparked an idea that changed the course of the business. Martin saw a market opportunity to move into corporate deliveries. The Fruit Box Group is now Australia’s leading, premium quality, workplace fruit and milk delivery company.

In 2017, recognising the lack of fresh produce in food relief, Martin established The One Box. The program provides a free weekly box of fruit, vegetables, bread and milk to families experiencing hardship.

Our Discussion

Join us as we talk about the strong influence Martin’s father had and continues to have on him. You will also be surprised what a CEO and father of four loves to do in his spare time… and how he manages to do it.

Authentic Leadership Podcast

To listen to my previous podcasts, subscribe to my series on iTunes or access them via Soundcloud. I would also love to hear your suggestions for CEOs that live and breathe Authentic Leadership. Contact us if you have someone in mind that we can invite to be part of the Authentic Leadership Podcast.