
June 5, 2018

What’s your storytelling style?


Hard wired to share stories

As humans we are hard wired to share stories. It is our preferred way to communicate. Consequently, we regularly share stories in our personal lives with our family and friends. We are also sharing more stories in business.

Over the last 15 years of teaching business people how to share stories more effectively, I have found four common storytelling styles in business. Karin Rex, the owner of Geeky Girl in the US, created a short video on these four styles. Check it out and have a think about what your default style is.

What is your storytelling style?

My prediction is that you are most likely a Reporter. I have come to that conclusion because every different company I have worked with over the years, regardless of the country or industry, has demonstrated that the vast majority of employees are reporters.

There are three main reasons why we tend to have a reporter style when it comes to storytelling in business.

  1. It feels easier to communicate the facts and figures.
  2. It feels safer because we don’t need to reveal anything about ourselves … no emotion and certainly no vulnerability.
  3. We have been told all our careers that this is the ‘professional’ way to communicate. It’s what you do in business.

The ‘reporter’ style

Unfortunately, using a reporting style isn’t an engaging way to communicate. We also know that a reporter style will have minimal impact when trying to connect and engage employees with strategy, purpose or values.

Thankfully, more and more leaders are realising the power of sharing personal stories to connect and engage with their people in a way that inspires action.

If you are going through change or need greater employee engagement in your company’s strategy, purpose or values then check out some of my free resources on my website or contact me to discuss a tailored in-house program.

P.S. Limited spots are still available for my public storytelling program on 18th July in Melbourne.