
August 27, 2019

Bring your personality to your verbal communication


This week’s post follows on from my previous blog about making your written communication more personalised. Today I want to talk about how you can bring more of your personality to your verbal communication.

Check out the below video. It goes for about 5-minutes, but you probably only need to watch one minute to get the gist of the message.


Serious message, not seriously boring

When it comes to communicating a serious message, don’t ‘default to the default’. It doesn’t always need to be communicated in a boring or serious way. If appropriate, the opposite approach might work best.

Air New Zealand have been using this approach with their air safety advertisements for years. You can check out a few here. They have had millions of views on YouTube. Most airline carriers can’t get people to pay attention to this stuff while they are sitting on a plane, yet Air New Zealand can get millions of people watching their safety guidelines on YouTube.

How could you bring more of your own personality to your business communication?